If You Believe In Fairies…

I clapped my hands all the way home from the nursery this morning, because I had found this:

Say hello to the “Tinker Bell” dwarf agapanthus, with those smashing variegated leaves. I bought two, divided them into four plants, and interspersed them among the other agapanthus along the front walk where they unquestionably rule this part of the summer.

On my way back into the house, I caught this little guy making eyes at me:

Seriously, he stood on his rock enjoying the sun (now I know I was a lizard in a former life!) and never flinched as I crept closer and closer with camera in hand.

Now that the Big Secret project is en route to Interweave Knits, I’ve been able to turn my attention back to other knitting projects. I completed the final block and stitched together my daughter’s Lizard Ridge take-to-college blanket, and am halfway around the edge with a crochet border. Will finish that up while I make eyes at Keith Olbermann on MSNBC later this evening. How dare they let him take such a long vacation? Not that Rachel Maddow isn’t wonderful in her own way, but she ain’t no Keith.

My attention is distracted by what to pack for my trip to NY. No, Silly, not the clothing. Who cares about that? I’m far more concerned with what to knit during those five and a half hour plane trips to and from CA. Yes, I know I need to make progress on my husband’s birthday sweater, but his big day isn’t until mid-November and I’m not quite over my lace cravings yet. Whatever else goes into that carry-on bag – and yes, it’s all carry-on these days – this little number is definitely coming with me:

Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend, 30% Silk, 70% Merino Extrafine Wool. Colorway 3113, in every luscious shade of spring imaginable. A subtle sheen to the fiber. Lovely. Makes me happy just to look at it. See what I mean?

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