It’s the End of the Year As We Know It…

…to borrow and modify a song title from REM. How did it get to be December? I guess I was so wrapped up in election madness that the year flew faster than usual. Thanksgiving with family was wonderful. Everybody got along, the food was delicious, and I felt extremely grateful to be able to make the trip to New York to celebrate with my loved ones. I felt grateful that we have a new president who just may be able to pull our country out of this terrifying tailspin. I felt – and feel – grateful for our warm and safe home, for my beloved family, for our (relatively) good health – all of it.

When I see this:

and lots of these Meyer lemons slowly morphing from green to vivid and fragrant yellow:

and even some of these enormous dahlias still valiantly blooming amid the dried and slightly moldy leaves in the cutting bed:

it makes the end of the year all the more difficult to believe.

And now it has caught up with me; the next few weeks are so busy and then… 2009, here we come, ready or not!

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